Singing Tips Category: Performance

What should singers eat and drink?

Singers Diet Have you taken a moment to consider your singers diet? How does your daily diet affect your voice and your singing? As vocal athletes, we need to consider every aspect of our existence and how our everyday habits might be impacting the condition of our voice. Garbage in, garbage out right! And the…

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TV Talent Show Auditions TV Talent show auditions have become so pervasive in our modern society that some people now incorrectly believe that they are the only way into a music performance career. So, let’s talk about the top ten reasons why you should reconsider your audition for the next TV Talent show. Now, a…

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Singers, Are You Looking after your Ears?

Hearing Loss Hearing loss. I wonder whether you’ve stopped to consider just how important your hearing is. As one of our five primary senses, hearing is used for many things including balance and alerting us to hazards. I think most of us understand that our ears play a pretty important role when it comes to…

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How to Learn NEW Songs: and never forget the Lyrics

New Songs The very first thing you need to do when learning new songs is identify your own learning style. At a basic level, there are three learning styles: auditory, tactile and visual. Understood simply, auditory learners acquire knowledge by hearing and listening. Tactile learners engage their learning by touching and doing, while visual learners…

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Copycat Singing can WRECK your voice!

Copycat Singing We love to listen to other singers because we love the sound of their voice. But did you know that copycat singing could wreck your own voice? There is no other voice on the planet like yours. Never has been and never will be. Even if we found your vocal doppelganger, we’d still…

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How to Sing Like Frank Sinatra – The King of Swing

Sing Like Frank Sinatra Sing Like Frank Sinatra, why Frank Sinatra? Well, Frank was an interesting singer and performer. By today’s standards, and what the general public has come to expect from a standout voice, Frank was fairly ordinary. He rarely sang outside of an octave range and he almost never displayed vocal acrobatics of…

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Five Star Singer There are five areas that every singer needs to develop if they want to be a five star singer. I think when most of us start out on our learning to sing journey we believe that it’s all about singing in tune and remembering the lyrics. But after a little while, we start…

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Help! I’ve Got Laryngitis! | Can I Still Sing?

Help! I’ve Got Laryngitis! Can I Still Sing? Of all the days to get laryngitis! You’ve been preparing all week for this gig, but yesterday you felt a slight niggle in the throat, and despite your best attempts to ward it off by overdosing on vitamin C, you’ve woken with a sensation in your throat…

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Gigs for the Beginner Singer

Places to Perform as a Singer Not everyone who is learning to sing has a desire to perform. And that’s OK. Singing needn’t be about the product. It most certainly can be all about the process. This being said, many of you are refining your vocals because you’re on a journey towards performance. So if…

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Manage STAGE FRIGHT when Singing

How to manage STAGE FRIGHT when Singing You’ve been practising your technique. You’ve learnt your lyrics, and you’ve tamed most of the melody. Now it’s time to perform. Just one last hurdle to leap over: Stage Fright and Nerves. We all get them, but for some of us the butterflies in the stomach can feel…

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