Singing Tips Category: Singing Technique

Why do I Keep Losing My Voice?

Voice Loss Dysphonia, partial voice loss, and Aphonia, complete voice loss, can be debilitating because we use our voice to communicate and express our emotions. And if you’re a professional voice user like a schoolteacher, gigging singer or call centre operator, your voice is your primary vocational tool. A term you’ll often hear used concerning…

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FIX your Pitch – SING THIS!

Pitch Singing on the pitch can appear effortless for some, but maybe for you singing in tune feels like an impossibility. Well, I have some good news for you. Regardless of how out of tune your voice is right now, you can learn to sing in tune with the practical exercises. Learning to sing in…

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Beginner Singer: START HERE

Beginner Singer So, you want to learn to sing. But where do you start? For some people, singing seems to come naturally, while for others, and maybe this is you, despite a burning desire to sound great when you sing, your voice just doesn’t seem to give you what you want to hear. Well, you’ve…

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How to Belt High Notes Easily

Belt High Notes You want to sing high. You want to sing loud, You want to do both at the same time. And you want to belt high notes with as little strain as possible. Good news. You can learn to belt high notes easily and safely. Belt notes run the terrible risk of causing…

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Singable Notes versus Performance Notes

Singable Notes versus Performance Notes There seems to be some misunderstanding in Online land about the difference between Singable Notes versus Performance Notes. The confusion seems to come from the idea that would suggest that if you can sing a note as a part of a scale, then you should be able to sing that…

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Better Posture for Singers

Biotensegrity What is Biotensegrity? Tension is the enemy of good voice and can lead to vocal wear and tear. But ‘Biotensegrity’ is another thing entirely. To put it simply, Tensegrity is the integration of tension with integrity. — TOOLS for SINGERS — * FREE 7 Day Vocal Technique Detox * More Vocal Exercises * Articles about Voice…

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Phrasing for Singing: The Long and the Short of it!

Phrasing for Singing In this video, I’m not only going to explain what phrasing is, I’m also going to show you some practical examples that will help you improve your phrasing for singing. — TOOLS for SINGERS — * FREE 7 Day Vocal Technique Detox * More Vocal Exercises * Articles about Voice & Singing * Dr…

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How to Expand Your Vocal Range Safely

Expand Your Vocal Range Singing higher isn’t easy, and you shouldn’t feel discouraged if you’ve worked on it before and felt defeated in your previous attempts. And while plenty of people are trying really hard to expand their vocal range, there are plenty of people who are failing, and some singers are even damaging their…

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How to Master your Mix Singing Voice

Mix Singing Voice For many singers, Mix Singing Voice is not only elusive; it can be downright frustrating. In this video, I will give you some brand new strategies for workshopping and mastering your mix voice. Mix singing voice is simply the point at which we choose to blend the lower and upper registers into…

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3 Non-Negotiable Singing Rules

Singing Rules There are three non-negotiable singing rules that every singer should learn to live and sing by…Ignore them at your own peril! This learning to sing thing is most definitely a highly rewarding one for most people. Unfortunately, though, for some singers, the process of learning to sing can become frustrating, not to mention…

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