Singing Tips Category: Singing Technique

How to sing with a MIXED Voice

Mixed Voice Mixed Voice! It’s kind of a strange terminology. Aren’t all vocal sounds a mix in one way or another? Today, in easy to understand language, Dr Dan unravels the mystery that is mixed voice and gives a couple of suggested songs that will help you to access and practice a mix sound. Mix,…

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Supercharge your Vocal Workout

Singing Practice Routine How do you develop a great singing practice routine? How much and how often is a question I get asked a lot, so let’s answer this query once and for all, and while we’re at it, we’ll also discuss exactly ‘what’ you should be practising to get the very best out of…

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Vocal Range and YOUR Singing Sweet Spot

What is Tessitura and how can it improve your singing? I think many singers find themselves confusing the concept of range with the higher ideal of Tessitura. When we talk about our vocal range we’re referring to the distance between our lowest singable note and our highest singable note. The human voice, on average is…

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Learn how to fix Sharp Singing. Sharp Singing. Incorrect notes can be really frustrating when you’re first starting to work on your singing. Today we’re going to look at those notes that overshoot the mark. Singing sharp can be fixed and in this video, we’re going to learn how. Regardless of where you are in…

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Learn how to fix Flat Singing. Flat Singing. No one chooses to sing notes that don’t quite hit the centre of the target. But alas, every voice does it. For many of you the idea of being heard to sing out of tune is akin to the embarrassment you might feel if you had to…

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Vocal Onsets and Offsets: Glottal, Aspirate and Simultaneous

Vocal Onsets and Offsets We’ve all heard the saying, “It’s not how you start that’s important! It’s how you finish!” Well in singing, that isn’t always the case…let’s talk, ‘Vocal Onsets and Offsets.’ Every note has a starting point and a finishing point. These two events have a massive impact on your singing style and…

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Messa Di Voce Singing Exercises

Messa Di Voce Singing Exercises Messa Di Voce singing exercises have been described as an apex singing skill requiring a solid vocal technique. So what is Messa di Voce and how can we learn to use this all-important ability? Messa di Voce drives stylistic interpretation and empowers emotional connection with the lyric. This Italian term has…

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Singing with Diphthongs

Singing with Diphthongs Everyone is singing with diphthongs. It may be an unusual word. But without them, we wouldn’t be able to communicate. So what are Diphthongs? How do we singers ensure we’re using them correctly? Dr Dan has the answers to these questions, as well as a couple of practical diphthong singing exercises in…

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How to Sing with a Breathy Tone

Breathy Tone Do you know how to Sing with a Breathy Tone? “Breath fuels the voice!” But did you also know that breath can fuel your stylistic feel? It can. Watch this video to find out how. If your voice is simply creating a breathy tone all the time, then allow me to sound the…

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How to REDUCE PHLEGM for Singing

7 Tips to Thin Mucus! Check out these seven tips to thin mucus. Thick, chunky, heavy, gross…these are all words used to describe that feeling we get when, due to illness, our chests and throats are congested with way too much phlegm. A phlegmy throat can be a nightmare for the singer, but there are…

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