Tag: Dr Dan

Dr Dan’s Secrets to Efficient Singing Techniques

Dr Dan’s Secrets to Efficient Singing Techniques

Read Time: 3mins Hello everyone! I’m Dr Dan, and today at Voice Essentials, we’ll debunk a common myth about singing techniques: the belief that a wider mouth leads to better singing. Picture a soprano, mouth open wide as if to capture an albatross. Does this approach truly enhance your singing, or could it be counterproductive?…

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Mastering Patter: Your Guide to Captivating Live Performances

Mastering Patter: Your Guide to Captivating Live Performances

Read Time: 3mins Hello and welcome to Voice Essentials, where every voice deserves to be heard. I’m Dr Dan, guiding you towards vocal excellence. Elevating Your Set with Effective Patter Imagine a live performance as a sonic art gallery. Each song stands as a masterpiece, awaiting audience captivation. Yet, what connects these pieces? The art…

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Transformative Steps to Loving Your Voice

Transformative Steps to Loving Your Voice

Read Time: 3mins Today, I want to guide you through your journey towards loving the unique sound of your own voice. Many of us, myself included, have faced moments of doubt upon hearing our voices. Whether it’s a recording that doesn’t sound right or the echo of our singing that falls short of expectations, the…

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Unlocking the Power of Your Upper Register

Unlocking the Power of Your Upper Register

Read Time: 3mins Understanding Vocal Registers: A Foundational Overview Welcome, I’m Dr Dan, ready to guide you through the fascinating world of vocal exploration. Today, we’re moving beyond the well-trodden path of the lower register, commonly termed the chest voice, to explore the often-neglected yet essential upper register. Embracing this area is key for achieving…

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A Comprehensive Guide to Vocal Recovery After COVID-19

A Comprehensive Guide to Vocal Recovery After COVID-19

Read Time: 3mins Hello, I’m Dr Dan, a Contemporary Singing Voice Specialist with extensive experience in voice training. Today, I’m excited to share insights on vocal recovery post-COVID-19. While I hold a Doctor of Musical Arts, I am not a medical doctor, so please consult your healthcare provider for personalised advice. This guide aims to…

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Singing Techniques You Might Not Want to Hear (But Need to!)

Singing Techniques You Might Not Want to Hear (But Need to!)

Read Time: 3mins Today, I’m excited to share insights that have transformed both my students and my own singing journeys. Singing is an evolving art, and our practices should grow alongside us. Let’s explore some key techniques that could revolutionise your experience, complete with practical tips and my personal experiences. Why Change Matters The Story…

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Singing Through Sickness: A Guide to Vocal Resilience

Singing Through Sickness: A Guide to Vocal Resilience

Read Time: 3mins We all understand that falling ill can severely disrupt your singing practice and performance plans. However, there’s a silver lining: there are still constructive activities to help you continue your vocal development, even when you’re not feeling your best. In this revamped guide, I’ve aimed to provide a more engaging and comprehensive…

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Resonance Exercises for Singers: Unlocking Brilliance

Resonance Exercises for Singers: Unlocking Brilliance

Read Time: 3mins G’day, everyone! Today, I’m thrilled to share some powerful resonance exercises for singers that will elevate your singing to new heights. If you’ve been longing to infuse your voice with vibrancy and excitement, you’ve come to the right place. Join me on this journey as we explore four essential resonance exercises to…

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The Effects of Tobacco, Vaping, and Cannabis on Your Voice

The Effects of Tobacco, Vaping, and Cannabis on Your Voice

Photo by elsaolofsson on Pixabay Read Time: 4mins In today’s society, the prevalence of smoking, vaping, and cannabis use has raised considerable concern, particularly for those who rely on their vocal health, such as singers, speakers, and performers. It’s crucial to understand how these habits can detrimentally affect vocal health. Understanding Our Voice Our voice…

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Unlocking Vocal Potential: The Intersection of Singing and Sports

Unlocking Vocal Potential: The Intersection of Singing and Sports

Read Time: 4mins It’s no secret that I adore singing, but did you also know about my passion for sports? I frequent a gym, engage in weekly social games of touch football, and my ultimate passion, though not indulged as often as I would love, is snow skiing. Over the years, my immersion in sports…

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