Tag: Vocal Anatomy

Dr Dan’s Secrets to Efficient Singing Techniques

Dr Dan’s Secrets to Efficient Singing Techniques

Read Time: 3mins Hello everyone! I’m Dr Dan, and today at Voice Essentials, we’ll debunk a common myth about singing techniques: the belief that a wider mouth leads to better singing. Picture a soprano, mouth open wide as if to capture an albatross. Does this approach truly enhance your singing, or could it be counterproductive?…

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Unlocking Vocal Potential: The Intersection of Singing and Sports

Unlocking Vocal Potential: The Intersection of Singing and Sports

Read Time: 4mins It’s no secret that I adore singing, but did you also know about my passion for sports? I frequent a gym, engage in weekly social games of touch football, and my ultimate passion, though not indulged as often as I would love, is snow skiing. Over the years, my immersion in sports…

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A Guide to Understanding and Nurturing Your Voice

A Guide to Understanding and Nurturing Your Voice

Read Time: 3mins Celebrating Your Unique Vocal Anatomy I meet many budding singers who aspire to sounding like their favourite artists in my daily interactions. While it’s great to have idols, it’s equally important to celebrate your unique voice. Therefore, let’s begin by understanding the anatomy of your voice. Your vocal apparatus, which includes your…

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